Following on from Part One, it saw Futureshock management booking the ‘Mega-powers’ in a match for the final qualifying spot to see who would take part in the TLC match at the 20th Anniversary show for the FutureShock Tag Team titles – as Sam Bailey & Tony Wright would join forces to take on Gorgon and the Monster Solomon in The Horde.
MATCH 1: 20th Anniversary TLC Qualifying match for FSW Tag Titles: Forbidden Planet vs Scott Obermann/Ethan Kelly

In the first of the two qualifying matches set for Part 2 it saw Forbidden Planet facing Scott Oberman and Ethan Kelly with the latter two grounding the high flyers, with Aiton Steen being isolated from his tag team partner, while Oberman barked out instructions to his Protege on wanting Kelly finish off the job. Steen would tag out to his partner ‘Starkiller’ Dave Birch, as Birch began to unload on both opponents only to have the numbers game soon catch up with him. It looked like Oberman & Kelly were moments away from victory as they went to finish Starkiller off, but he avoided the incoming knee from Kelly as Oberman took the full brunt of it, before Steen & Birch hit a double team move to score the pinfall victory and see Forbidden Planet qualifying for the TLC match.
MATCH 2a: PRINCE PELE vs ‘Millennium Falcon’ JAMES GRAYSON
We were scheduled to get Prince Pele and James Grayson squaring off as a result of what took place at High Gear last month, when Pele was brutally attacked by Briac Strong and saw ‘the hunter’ shaving off the blonde locks of the Prince. However, it saw the match cut short thanks to the North West Saviours coming out, as it saw Max Brooker and Rizman Khan standing on the staging area. Brooker tried to talk but was drowned out by the crowd and when he did manage to speak he then sweetened the deal by having an impromptu tag match by making it for the tag team titles.

After agreeing to team up and challenge for the belts, it was a case of blink and you’d have missed the match, such was how quick it began and ended. In less than a couple of minutes it saw Grayson hit with the assisted popup powerbomb cutter to see the champions retain their championships and make their second official title defence. end it in under three minutes. Brooker and Khan will never have an easier night’s work again while being tag team champions, as the holders’ made their second official successful title defence of their reign, with their two previous matches in Futureshock being non-title.
We then had another delay involving the ring, so while the ring crew came out to try and fix the problem, we were subjected to listen to the ‘Ace of Hearts’ in Jenson Vesper as he began to inform the Futureshock faithful of just why he is such a star before he went on to berate some in the crowd. As he went on it drew chants of ‘Jason Scooter’ against him, but thank god Forbidden Planet was on hand to rush down to ringside and save us all by carrying him to the back, as we were sorted for the resumption of the show.
MATCH 3: ‘the Playboy Prince’ LANCE REVERA vs CONNOR PATRICK REILLY (Genius)

It saw the Playboy Prince in Lance Revera coming up short earlier in the day in a hard fought contest against Scott Oberman, but the self-proclaimed ‘Number one’ faced the Futureshock Tournament winner Connor Patrick Reilly, as the two put on a great match involving two of the top young stars today. Prior to the bell – it saw Revera living up to his moniker by going to shake the hand of referee Katie Crosby but instead of shaking he took her hand and twirled her round as the two shared a fun moment, while Reilly was left bemused.
It saw C.P Reilly delaying the start of the match by not getting in the ring and having Revera only too happy to pose and dance, which made his opponent even more grumpy by his antics. Once the bell sounded, it saw it being a bit of a slow burner to start with as the Playboy Prince came out the quicker of the two, but the self proclaimed Genius soon fought back and had Revera in trouble. The two went back and forth with Lance sailing through the ropes to connect on a dive to the outside and saw Revera gain momentum to score the win in the contest.
MATCH 4: 20th Anniversary TLC Qualifying match for FSW Tag Titles: TONY WRIGHT/SAM BAILEY vs THE HORDE

In the third and final qualifying match to determine the last team to enter the TLC match at the Anniversary show, it saw the ‘Mega-powers’ in Tony Wright and Sam Bailey team up against Solomon and Gorgon of The Horde as it saw a clash of styles so to speak. For large parts of the match it saw the fan favourite in control and saw both Wright and Bailey making as many quick tags in and out as possible inside a minute, with Solomon being worn down in the corner and Gorgon on the opposing side of the ring losing his mind. The Horde would later assert their dominance in the match by isolating a member from the Mega-powers, and despite them launching a comeback it would see Gorgon and Solomon adding their name to that huge TLC match at the 20th Anniversary show – with the Meat Wagon, Forbidden Planet and the current champions the North West Saviours battling for the Futureshock Tag Team Titles.

The penultimate match of the night saw a battle of former tag team partners, as Jacob North made his return to Futureshock wrestling and of course his first opponent back was that of his former tag partner in Dynamite Lee Dawson. It saw a physical encounter as many would have predicted beforehand, with both men taking the other to the limit as it was a case of Dawson’s quickness going up against the power of North. Jacob had the best of things and would beat down his opponent while badmouthing him at the same time, as Dawson hung in there. But Dynamite then exploded late on, firstly by showing off his strength doing a squat-suplex of sorts on his foe, and would even up the score between the two, with North defeating Dawson back at Uproar #174; but on this night it saw Dynamite Lee Dawson taking the win by hitting his Powder keg DDT off the ropes to pick up the victory.

The main event of Part two saw the reigning and defending Women’s champion in Leah Raven taking on challenger, Lizzy Evo. Both Raven and Evo came to the ring all smiles and excited to go toe-to-toe, but once the bell rang it saw Lizzy making a bee-line straight for the champion and having Leah on the back foot right from the off. Evo dished out a lot of punishment to the ‘Empress of Anarchy’ inside and outside the ring, with the challenger driving the champion’s spine into the ring posts, and to which looked to have the title slipping from Raven’s grasp.
The champion continued to fight back, but Lizzy Evo was proving a stubborn opponent and saw her still in control of the contest. However, the trash talking and taunting by the challenger had her question ‘what Raven was going to do?’ and the Women’s champion gave a rather emphatic answer. It saw her suddenly immune to any punches by Evo, as Raven fired right back and had the challenger helpless to stop the champion’s relentless assault with Leah hitting the Rebellion DDT off the ropes for the three count, and see the Reign of the Raven continue in Futureshock Wrestling.