This past Friday night saw me trek 98.7 miles (158 km to those that use that preferred system) from Manchester to the Amblecote British Legion Club for the third Bridge Pro Wrestling show entitled “We Got Heat.” Bearing in mind they don’t celebrate their 1st anniversary till late October, however, they’ve already put on some solid shows so far in the first show and then Brand New Level last April. So how would the next offering fare?
But before the main card, we got a nice little appetiser in a six-man scramble with Bradley Osborne, Coach Mahon, Jack Charles Hood, Ring Gremlin, Tiger Shah, and the ‘SpeedDemon’ Edgar Adams. I’ve said before I am more used to the North West scene and some northern areas than outside of it (listen to me sounding like I know what I’m talking about), but I remembered Adams from his entertaining match against ‘The Skywalker’ Nate Reilly from the Kamiazke Pro showcase match at Brand New Level. This scramble match was a bit of fun as some were still coming into the building; everyone hit a few moves and saw Edgar Adams taking victory. Adams, for me, is one guy you need to keep your eye out for in the future.

It looked close to a sellout, as another healthy crowd of 100+ strong Bridge Pro fans were on hand for another stacked show. MC Stewart Summers asked the crowd, “What match shall we start with first?” as the card was littered with exciting matches. With names thrown around the Amblecote British Legion, it saw any more names stop when the sound of ‘the 21st Century Liability’ Natalie Sykes music played, and we got our answer.
’21st Century Liability’ NATALIE SYKES vs ‘the bad girl’ CHANTAL JORDAN

Before the match, Sykes took the microphone away and wanted the crowd to “stop booing her” as she took a couple of selfies in the ring and tried to convince everyone that she wouldn’t only win this match, but went as far as to say, “I’m not the first match—I’m the main event!” Her opponent Chantal Jordan came out and saw the 21st Century Liability put her money where her mouth was, challenging Jordan to put her spot in the main event on the line, with the winner going wrestling in the big 4-way main event later in the evening.
Jordan accepted and saw Sykes put her hand out to shake on the agreement, even if the fans thought better. But despite Natalie acting innocently, Syke attacked Jordan’s left shoulder before the match to soften her up. Despite the assault on Chantal, Jordan refused to give up and saw Natalie Sykes constantly attacking her opponent and needing Stewart Summers to grab and restrain her. After Jordan was willing to continue, Sykes immediately zoned in on the weakened left arm and tried to draw the submission. But Jordan refused to quit and saw her turn the tables on her opponent to pick up the victory with a kick to the head that saw her preserving her spot in the main event later.

In a trio encounter, Stourbridge’s ‘The Future’ Zac Walker teamed up with the Dead Sea Souls and dominated their opponents early on in Hughes, Stevens, and Davies. That was until they managed to isolate Walker and keep him away from his corner, where Valentino and Rawlings could only watch on from afar. Walker spent a lot of time in the match being double- or triple-teamed by his opponents, with the Red Head Razcal Samuel Hughes calling the shots.
After the two youngest competitors in the match collided in the ring, it saw both looking to tag out, with Walker making the more important tag as the Dead Sea Souls took care of business and flipped the match on its head. It saw both Valentino and Rawlings hitting impact moves on their opponents, with Walker getting in on the act too, as the Walker and the Dead Sea Soul picked up the win.

The ‘Battle of the Hosses’ saw Liam Jones coming out and declaring he hated Dudley and everyone in the room, with announcer MC Stewart Summers introducing him as “a man who doesn’t have any geographical idea, as we are in Stourbridge, not Dudley.” His opponents were the ‘Elite Athlete’ Levi Muir, who was making his Bridge Pro debut, while the third member of this triple threat was that of the ‘Monster’ Kemper.
Unsurprisingly, the match didn’t last too long, as with three beefy men in the ring, it was never going to be a case of high speed with them all together and was purely brute strength. Jones was trying to make ‘friends’ with both competitors before the bell, with him looking to stay on the right side of Kemper and seeing both he and the monster attacking Muir as the bell sounded. Levi fought back and saw him pushing Jones into Kemper, where, despite his pleas, Kemper attacked his now-former ally. All three men demonstrated their power, and in the end, it saw “the Premier Athlete, Levi Muir,” keeping Liam Jones grounded to score the pinfall victory and a successful debut.

The tornado tag team match saw the team of Safire Reed teaming up with Nightshade, who was returning to the Midlands, having seen her wrestle early on in her career around the West Midlands area. However, it saw the duo of ‘21st-century hero’ Luke Douglas and ‘The Inquisitor’ Alex Connors looking to spoil the homecoming and debuts of both to Bridge Pro Wrestling. Both Nightshade and Reed were the aggressors early on, with the team of Douglas and Connors soon gaining a foothold in the contest by isolating Reed and keeping Nightshade to the outside as Safire was worn down.
While Reed took a beating and saw her staying in the match for her team, Nightshade returned to the ring and saw them both storming back into the contest and nailing a couple of double-team moves, as it looked like the fan favourites had turned the tide in the match. Unfortunately, though, it saw the rule-breakers in Douglas and Connors hitting a double-team move to have them pinning Reed for the 1-2-3, as fans booed them celebrating their victory.
‘The Pocket Rocket’ LILA KYLE vs ‘The Triassic Terror’ TJ SKY

April at Brand New Level saw “The Pocket Rocket” and “The Triassic Terror” square off against each other in a tag team match with Memes and Violet Nyte as their respective partners. But on this occasion, TJ Sky wanted to see just how good Lila Kyle was, as before the match it saw Lila offering the hand of sportsmanship to her opponent and was accepted. ‘The pocket rocket’ had the fans on her side, with Kyle and Sky locking up, with TJ’s face saying “What are you doing?” as he watched Lila trying to outmuscle him and getting nowhere doing it. At one point she tried a sunset flip and just clung onto his back like a backpack as he walked around with her there, then later saw her wrapped around his leg and just saw him trying to walk around the ring with her still holding on and had the look of a disappointed parent.
Kyle would then begin to make inroads until Sky changed the complexion of this match by going after Kyle’s ankle and putting her in numerous submission holds to try and force her to tap out, but she refused. While Lila battled back into the contest, you could see she was favouring her left ankle/leg, and that saw Sky trying to zone in on it and have an advantage in the match. Despite Kyle getting free from the turnbuckle and hitting a powerbomb, it still saw her TJ Sky in control, but The Pocket Rocket would prevail by surprising her opponent with a quick pin to score the victory.

We also saw an old rivalry renewed from the past enter the realms of Bridge Pro Wrestling, where Harry Cruise and Ryan Parrott of Pun Intended took on Memes and his mystery partner. His partner was a tag team specialist with multiple tag team championships across the Midlands and Wales, with Jim Hunter being the man to partner him. This saw some wrestling while also being very comedic. At one point we saw Cruise perform a spinaroonie, Hunter attempted to give the taller Parrott a chokeslam, and we saw Pun Intended having the better of things. Memes got tagged in eventually and saw him throughout the match saying the team was now called ‘Memehunter’ as the newly named side picked up the win and saw the two teams shake hands.
After the match, it saw us all graced with the presence of “the best thing out of Hull since Dean Windass,” Alexxis Falcon, who came out on stage and began to vent and berate Bridge Pro owner Ryan Parrott, telling him, “You are a failed wrestler and jealous of me. So you built yourself a promotion just because you couldn’t get booked anywhere else.” She then dragged Samuel Hughes to the stage before Will Stevens and Tyler Davies came from behind to attack everyone in the ring. It saw Cruise and Parrott join in the ring by Jack Charles Hood, only to then low-blow Cruise and see Pun Intended both laid out. After the beatdown, Falcon spoke about how this was now the ALEXXIS FALCON WRESTLING Federation (AFWF), as they departed to the back.


The main event of ‘WE GOT HEAT’ saw a 4-way match with three of the best from the Midlands scene right now as Millie McKenzie, Chantal Jordan, and Man Like Dereiss went up against the Spectacular Tw*t in one Charles Crowley. The prematch festivities saw Dereiss missing his ring entrance and chatting to Millie backstage, as it saw both dashing in position to make their respective entrances. Millie then came out and disappeared as quickly as she arrived, as she had to make an urgent stop. Crowley made his entrance and saw Man Like Dereiss stealing his hat and styling it out as Charles reached the apex of his entrance. The Bridge Pro crowd were getting on Crowley, while everyone seemed to be trying to crack the other one up in the ring, with only Chantal Jordan being the most serious of the four. During the ring introductions, Crowley threw his jacket at the ‘Lyrical Dragon’ and broke his glasses!!!
The match itself saw Crowley as the lone wolf in terms of who the fans disliked the most, as it felt like almost a handicap match with him having to turn back the challenge of everyone in the contest. Millie McKenzie was sent out of the ring, but she would be smart and let the others just beat each other up and look to capitalise when the opportunity arose. With both Jordan and Crowley having worn down the other, it saw Millie trying to secure the win, but we then saw the ‘Frienemies’ explode in McKenize and Dereiss. There were near falls for all involved, as Millie hit a big running spear on Dereiss to draw a two-count, but it saw ‘The Spectacular Tw*t’ pinning Chantal Jordan to have the last laugh and pick up the big W.

Bridge Pro’s next show isn’t too far away, as the promotion returns to the Amblecote British Legion for ‘WONDERLAND’ on Friday, September 27th, with the first-ever Wonderland Match taking place, along with the debut of Irish superstar in AMIRA BLAIR.